Welcome ladies and gentleman!
My name is Joshua S. Yoshihara, and welcome to the Life of Yoshi Blog! I am on my quest to fulfill the call of God in my life, to fulfill my potential in this life, and to prepare for the great destiny that awaits me in eternity.
This not just a one sided blog. I will be posting about all things of life - the heavenly and the spiritual, the mystical and the emotional, the earthly and the physical.
This blog will start out small and simple, but over time it will evolve and grow. So stay tuned and follow my journey! Hopefully you will enjoy and be inspired.
Until my next post, sayōnara (goodbye)!
Dictum of the Day - truth is greater than fiction, good is greater than evil, light is greater than dark. I have forgotten these things, but God is restoring these foundations.
"Kangei" (welcome) in Japanese